Assurance of Quality

Chemical Analysis

Lab Certifications in Kuwait

LABCO (Kuwait International Laboratory), established in 1999, is the first locally owned, independent ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited (by DAkkS Germany) testing laboratory in Kuwait. LABCO provides THIRD PARTY quality control and assurance services through scientific analytical data for microbiological and chemical testing.

Lab Certifications in Italy

We have had the water produced by our WaterMaker machines evaluated by the L.A.V. laboratories. based in  Moncalieri (TO) - ISCRIZ. TRIB. TO N° 6699 - 85 - ISCRIZ. C.C.M. N° 673873 - ISCRIZ. ELENCO REG. PIEMONTE n° 22 - AUTORIZZ. MINIST. Prot. 600.5\59.121/3208.

The water produced by our WaterMaker machines has been evaluated by L.A.V. Laboratories, accredited by the national accreditation body "ACCREDIA" as per the attached documentation:

WaterMaker Certifications