Water: a global necessity

Environmental lmpact: WaterMaker vs Desalination
- WaterMaker's AWG technology presents a stark contrast to
desalination in terms of environmental impact, offering a more sustainable solution.
- Desalination requires significant energy, often from fossii
fuels, leading to high C02 emissions. In contrast, WaterMaker con be powered by renewable energy sources, substantially reducing its carbon footprint.
Additionally, desalination produces brine, a byproduct harmful to marine life, whereas WaterMaker's process does not generate hazardous waste, protecting both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
Currently one on 10 people on the planet has no access to Clean water. According to UNICEF, in Africa,
women and girls collectively spend a staggering total of about 200
million hours fetching water every year. In rural Africa, a woman
typically walks 4 miles per day carrying 40 pounds of water.
Addressing the Global Water Crisis
- WaterMaker's large-scale solutions offer a robust response to the global water crisis, capable of producing up to 10,000 liters of water per day.
- These systems are a testament to technological innovation, holding international patents and minimizing environmental impacts by producing water at the point of use, cutting down on transportation and storage costs.
- Economically viable, these solutions are more costeffective than desalination and distillation, especially when powered by renewable energy sources.